Messages are sorted by severity level first and then by arrival time

Messages are sorted by severity level first and then by arrival time

Issue Description

By default, a view tab displays collected messages as a table sorted by the time they were received. However, you see that the messages are sorted by severity level instead. 

Affected Version

Syslog Watcher 6.2.14 and older.

How to Reproduce

The issue is reproducible in used filtering by message originators, but filtering by severity is turned off:


1. Update Syslog Watcher to 6.2.15 or later.

2. Update data files in the syslog storage:

  1. Download the storage utility:
  2. Stop Syslog Watcher Server and close Syslog Watcher Manager
  3. Open Windows Command-line shell (cmd.exe)
  4. Run check_storage.exe pointing it at the root folder of the syslog storage: 

  5. Open Syslog Watcher Manager and run Syslog Watcher Server